FAQ Hero Image | Do it Yourself SSD
FAQ Hero Image | Do it Yourself SSD


Q. What does it mean if an SSD is labeled console?

A. The "console" label indicates the manufacturer has tested the SSD for compatibility with gaming consoles like PlayStation or Xbox. However, this doesn't restrict its functionality to only consoles. The SSD should work just fine in other compatible systems.

Q. Why don't you show pricing on catalog items?

A. We don't show product prices because they can change quickly due to promotions and discounts offered by merchants. We prioritize accurate information, so we focus on providing details that help you compare products and make informed choices. Click the link to the store of your choice to see their current pricing.

Q. It looks like items in the catalog are more high-end than budget friendly.

A. While we prioritize high-end SSDs in our catalog, we also include budget-friendly alternatives for your consideration. For SSDs available in 1TB, 2TB, and 4TB capacities, the 4TB option will always be prominently displayed. Don't worry, you can still easily view and compare pricing for all available options. Performance first, price-conscious always.

Q. How do you pick your affiliates?

A. We currently consider Amazon the leading online retailer due to its extensive product selection, competitive pricing, and efficient delivery services. Additionally, their return policy is generally fair and hassle-free. While other retailers may offer lower prices in specific instances, the overall shopping experience with Amazon is often considered superior. Ultimately, the choice of where to shop is yours, and we encourage you to select the retailer that best meets your needs and preferences.

Q. Do you recommend products?

A. While we don't directly recommend products, our goal is to help you make informed decisions by reviewing, analyzing, and suggesting options based on available data. We strive to present products that meet our standards for quality and performance, but the final choice is always yours!